Tuesday, October 1, 2013

30 day challenge.

Today is the last day of the month and I really want to start a challenge and do something different. I want to really become one with myself. I have been in Thailand for two months now and I am a friggin teacher.  Who would of thought it. Teaching is a lot harder than I thought. I am always looking for ideas/ games and constantly nervous that my kids aren't going to learn. I think that I am way harder on myself than I should be but that is just how I am. But at the end of the day I really love my kids. They are so cute! I am a kindergarten teacher so I am in charge of two classes, K1 (3 year olds) and K2 (4-5). Even though teaching is not for me, I am going to enjoy the cuteness of these children. One thing that I love is that kindergarten is a forgiving age. They don't hold things against you and you can't hold things against them. 
I have a whole new perspective and respect for teachers. I never really was a bad student so I don't feel like I didn't respect them, but Lord teachers should get paid a lot more and valued! I can't believe that America treats them the way we do. 
I have really adjusted. Hmm maybe I should say that I am about 60% adjusted. I am starting to understand the way the Thai people act and conduct business. It is a little difficult for me because I am such a strictler but I know that I will have to let that go. They have a really relaxed attitude for the most part. I have met a few shady ones but that is normal. My landlord is a little shady but what can you do. I rather pay an extra 3 baht (Thai currency) for electricity than have to deal with a lot more bugs and animals. I can't deal and that will never change. While in the subject of animals. I really think that there are more stray dogs in my town than people. I can't turn a corner without seeing one. So, to solve that problem I got a motorbike. There are a few reasons but that is my main one. I needed the freedom. I hated waiting on people and feeling like a nuisance. It was just better for me to get one and I am renting the bike for 1000 baht which is amazing! Normally You would have to pay about 2000 but I am renting it from my boss so that is why it is so cheap. But in true Samantha fashion I crashed my bike. I had to learn the rules of the street the hard way. I bet I won't make that mistake again. But any-who, I am going to try this for my 30 day challenge: 

Use words that encourage happiness. 

Try one new thing every day.  

Perform one selfless act every day. 

Learn and practice one new skill. 

Teach someone something new every day. 

Dedicate an hour a day to something you’re passionate about.

Treat everyone nicely, even those who are rude to you. 

Address and acknowledge the lesson in inconvenient situations.

Pay attention and enjoy your life as it happens.

Get rid of one thing a day for 30 days. 

Create something brand new in 30 days or less. 

Don’t tell a single lie for 30 days. 

Wake up 30 minutes early every morning. 

Ditch 3 bad habits for 30 days.

Define one long-term goal and work on it for an hour every day. 

Read one chapter of a good book every day. 

Every morning, watch or read something that inspires you. 

Do something every day after lunch that makes you laugh.

Exercise for 30 minutes every day for 30 days. 

Get uncomfortable and face a fear every day. 

Spend 10 minutes every evening reflecting on what went well. 

Have a conversation every day with someone you rarely speak to. – People are interesting creatures.

Pay down debt and don’t create any new debt for 30 days. – Live well below your means. 

Let go of one relationship that constantly hurts you. 

Publicly forgive someone who deserves another chance. 

Document every day with one photograph and one paragraph. – For 30 days bring a camera with you wherever you go. 

(Marc and Angel blog) 

I am in love with the last one and I am really going to do these all. Or at least try my best. I am also going to teach two weeks of summer school and then for another two weeks I am off. I am going north to a town called Pai. It seems like I am getting signs and it should be cheap since I still haven't been paid my full salary due to all the regulations. I need to start the research on my trip and get ready for my challenge. Yeaahhhhhh! 


  1. This is so cool! I am happy that you are adjusting there. Please update more as things happen. Praying for you always! Made me laugh this morning, especially you on a motorbike. lol

  2. Love it! Your students are so too freakin cute!! I'm snagging a few of these for my 30 day challenge. Looking forward to reading more!!
